
Cloud Infrastructure Costs

As we move to renting cloud services, we'll need to calculate the best cost efficient services for our needs and budget.

We'll need to make tradeoffs based on how much we are going to handle configurations (e.g. server vs serverless functions) and whether we should choose a service that charges for compute or for duration, based on our traffic and use cases.

AWS Lambda charges based on compute. But that need not always be the cheapest option. We have to decide based on our needs. Sometimes Lambda > EC2 (or other cloud servers) in charges, especially with higher traffic after some point.

Is edge computing really needed or can we do post processing? That can lower infrastructure costs.

An analysis: https://www.bbva.com/en/economics-of-serverless/
This probably comes in the section of API Economy?

Method for calculation of general infrastructure costs

To be planned

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